

At St John’s we endeavor to instill a love for literacy. We wish for every child to leave our school with the skills of a writer who:

  • Has the ability to write with fluency and has an author’s voice.
  • Thinks about the impact their writing will have on a reader and knows how to achieve this.
  • Has an extensive range of vocabulary and a secure knowledge of writing techniques enabling them to extend details or descriptions.
  • Can structure or organise their writing to suit the genre and include a variety of sentence structures.
  • Displays excellent transcription skills ensuring their writing is well spelt, punctuated and presented.
  • Is able to re-read, edit and improve their writing ensuring every piece is their best and an improvement upon the last.

Whilst children attend St John’s we ensure they experience a range of genres carefully planned with a focus on exploring a range of models of excellence and using these to support the drafting and editing stages. We ensure that writing opportunities are rich and varied not only in literacy lessons but also in all subjects across the curriculum.
